Charity Books: New Reading Material for Your Children

Contrary to what you may think, the concept of philanthropy is something that comes naturally to children because of their inclination to share and be compassionate. Not only will the introduction of charity books provide them a key understanding of global issues and encourage empathy, but children will also discover the importance of literature through the real-life, meaningful content of these titles.

How to Help Older Children Choose Reading Material

Would your child rather visit the dentist than pick up a book? It can be challenging for parents to find reading material that captures their children’s attention – especially older children! I have four kids and their reading interests are as varied as their personalities! My youngest is a question generator. He enjoys non-fiction books that get to the bottom of his inquiries. My 11 year old has trouble completing chapter books but loves comic book style reads such as Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Big Nate. My 14 year old loves fantasy and historical fiction while my 17 year old enjoys the dystopic genre of books. All kids are different and with a little effort you can help yours discover enjoyable reading material. Red Apple Reading has a few suggestions to get you started!

7 Books that Celebrate Uniqueness

Did you know that August 13th is International Left-Handers Day? Left- handed people are definitely unique. Only about 10% of the population is left-hand dominant! Southpaws may be in the minority, but they are also in good company. Albert Einstein, Aristotle, Helen Keller, and Marie Curie were all lefties! In honor of International Left-Handers Day, Red Apple Reading has composed a list of 7 books that celebrate uniqueness.

Fun Read-Aloud Chapter Books

As children get older it’s easy for parents to let daily read-aloud time slide. This summer revive this important practice in your home! Not only does reading aloud to children help to combat the “summer slump” but it also builds crucial attachments and makes for fond childhood memories. Not sure where to start? Red Apple Reading has compiled a list of 10 great chapter books that all parents should read aloud to their children.

10 Summer-Themed Books for Kids

If your kiddos are like mine, they are ready for summer! Summer is rather magical – long days, fireflies, swimming pools and popsicles are just a few of the wonderful parts of summer vacation. As your family prepares for the summer season, why not pick up a summer read for your child? Red Apple Reading has some recommendations we think you and your little one will enjoy!

Poetry Books for Children

Did you know that April is National Poetry Month? I’m one of those moms who have books in every room of the house; but I must admit, not many of those are books of poetry. Maybe it’s time for me to have a better-rounded library for my kids. After all, I might have a budding poet in my house that just needs a little inspiration! In honor of National Poetry Month, Red Apple Reading is recommending 10 books of children’s poetry. Perhaps you’ll find one to help round out your kiddo’s library!

10 Must Read Children’s Books from 2014

2014 is behind us. Fortunately, the great books that made their debut in 2014 are still with us! We thought it would be fun to compile a list of some of the best books for kids that were released in 2014. It wasn’t easy – there were lots of great titles to choose from – but Red Apple Reading has chosen 10 must read children’s books of 2014!

Fun Fall Books - Red Apple Reading

Fun Fall Books

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. The weather finally begins to cool down, the days get shorter, and the holiday season is right around the corner. There’s just something special about the season. Another one of my favorite things is a good book! This week Red Apple Reading is combining these two good things and bringing you a bushel load of fun fall books. You’re sure to find a book that you and your little one can enjoy together!

What’s New in Children’s Books

Has it been a while since you picked up a new book for your kiddo? While there is certainly nothing wrong with a good classic, sometimes it’s fun to explore recent publications. If you’re wondering what’s new and popular in the children’s book industry, then look no further! Red Apple Reading has been perusing the new releases in children’s books and there’s a lot of good material out there! Take a look at these 10 recently released books for kids – you’re sure to find a story that your child will fall in love with.

Dinner and a Book

I like to make the most of dinner time (when else do I have a captive audience?), and one way is by including books in the family meal. After all, it just doesn’t get any better than a good book and good food! Here are four ideas for incorporating books into your family dinner time.