Book Recommendations By Age - Red Apple Reading

Book Recommendations By Age

When you’re looking for books for your child, you need to not just consider the type of interests they have, but also their reading level. If you find books that are too hard for them to tackle, they’ll lose interest quickly and it will add to their frustration.

Kinesthetic Learning Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers – Red Apple Reading Blog

Kinesthetic Learning Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Children learn in many ways. Young children especially learn best when their body is engaged, a process known as kinesthetic learning. Rather than simply listening to a lesson being taught, kids are actively engaged. This developmentally appropriate approach is a great way to develop literacy in toddlers and preschoolers. Red Apple Reading shares 10 great kinesthetic literacy activities for parents to do with their little ones today!

Red Apple Reading post: Sensory Play and the Young Child

Sensory Play and the Young Child

Even as infants our children are learning. Have you ever tried to read your baby a book only to have her stick it in her mouth and chew on it? She is experiencing her world orally. As your baby grows into a toddler and then a preschooler, her experiences may become more sophisticated, but she is still learning through her senses. Parents can help their toddler and preschool children develop and learn by providing simple sensory experiences for them to enjoy.

Intentional Play for Your Preschooler - Red Apple Reading

Intentional Play for Preschoolers

Parents do not often think of play time as an intentional part of the day. Many times we dismiss our kiddos with the vague instruction, “Go play!”. Although your child’s play time does not always have to be carefully planned, it is beneficial for preschoolers if at least part of their day is focused on intentional play. What items are needed to play intentionally and what does intentional play look like?

Books for Preschoolers

Even if your child doesn’t yet read, there’s no reason he still can’t enjoy a good book. Hopefully, you are already reading to your preschool child on a daily basis. If you are not, it is never too late to get started. Red Apple Reading has compiled a list of 10 books that your little one is sure to enjoy. So get ready to snuggle in with your preschooler and read a good book!

Choosing a Preschool - Red Apple Reading Express

Choosing a Preschool

Many of you out there with young children may be considering enrolling your little one in a preschool program. If chosen wisely, your child can benefit from being in a preschool setting. So how do you know if you have chosen a good preschool for your kid? Today we will look at a few characteristics of good preschools.