It’s Not Too Late to Avoid the Summer Slide!

I’m always amazed how fast our summer slips away. I blink and suddenly it’s the middle of July and all my good intentions for having a productive break have begun to flounder. It can be easy to let learning slide during the summer months, but the cumulative effects of educational inactivity really do add up! The result being our kids end up losing many of the gains they made during the school year. Don’t despair if you have let your kiddos fall into a summer slump. It’s not too late to take hold of the reigns and incorporate a little learning into the rest of the summer holiday. Try including some of the following activities into your kids’ summer schedule.

Enrich Your Child's Summer Reading

Enrich Your Child’s Summer Reading

Most high schools and some middle and elementary schools assign a list of books to be read before returning to school. So if you have school age children, chances are they are in the midst of their required reading. Many kids enjoy checking off their summer reading, but some (ahem, mine) chafe at the thought of being told what to read. Perhaps there is a way for parents to make the summer reading process more palatable for the kid who bucks against it as well as more enriching for the kid who enjoys it. Check out these summer reading enrichment activities from Red Apple Reading!

Preparing for Summer Break

With school wrapping up soon school children across the country are itching to begin their summer vacation. Parents, however, realize what a mixed bag summer break can be. We love a more relaxed schedule but hate fighting the battle against mind numbing entertainment. How can parents plan a balanced summer for their little ones? Can we really have a fun break that also includes some education and structure? Red Apple Reading is helping parents plan the perfect summer for their little ones

Reasons to Visit Your Local Library This Summer

Reasons to Visit Your Local Library This Summer

When was the last time you visited your public library? If you already have a hefty collection of books in your own personal library, you may not see a need to make a trip to the library in your community. However, your local library may have a plethora of resources for you and your child that you are unaware of. Check out these hidden gems that are available at your local library.

Summer Reading: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Once again the school year has flown by and summer is upon us. The break from school often creates mixed feelings for parents. You may be thrilled for your kids to have some down time but not relish the fight against television, video games, and social media. For me, summer reading has always been an important key to adding some loose structure to the break. However, reading can create mixed feelings in our kiddos: some are good, some are bad, and some are just plain ugly! Summer reading is important and can be enjoyable if you present it the right way to your children. If you’re looking for some fun ways to implement reading into your kid’s summer break, Red Apple Reading invites you to try some of the following suggestions!

Teaching While You Travel - Red Apple Reading

Teaching While You Travel: Making the Most of Your Road Trip!

Are you planning a family trip this summer that involves long hours in the car? Everyone loves a vacation; but the actual road trip itself can be tedious – especially for families with small children! Do you wish you had a dollar for every time a child asks, “How much longer?”? Is it possible for a Mom and Dad to arrive at their destination with their sanity intact? If you’re looking for ways to keep your children entertained on your approaching car trip, then look no further! Red Apple Reading has some tips for not only keeping your kiddo entertained but also intellectually stimulated during your upcoming road trip!