Raising Thankful Children - Red Apple Reading

Raising Thankful Children

What would you include in your parental job description? Very often we think in terms of how well we provide for our children when we consider what being a parent entails. As parents we want our kids to have the best of everything. While we know it is our job to provide for our children, we often fail to consider that it is equally important to raise grateful children. With Thanksgiving around the corner let’s take time to consider what we as parents can do to raise thankful kids.

Managing the School Year While Keeping Your Sanity | Red Apple Reading

Managing the School Year While Keeping Your Sanity

Now that the school year is fully underway many parents are beginning to feel the crunch. Between school orientations, conferences, chauffeuring kids, after-school activities, and homework, it’s easy to despair. While the start of school comes with its own set of unique challenges, perhaps the biggest one is how to juggle it all while maintaining one’s sanity. Take heart if you are feeling overwhelmed! With a bit of organization and a lot of deep breathing, you too can survive the beginning of a new school year. Check out these tips from Red Apple Reading:

Helping your Child with Reading Homework

Helping Your Child with Reading Homework

Each afternoon parents check their children’s backpacks to determine what homework needs to be completed for the evening. Somewhere among the items listed one usually finds: read for __ minutes. While this task seems relatively straightforward, you may find yourself wondering what you should be doing to ensure this assignment is actually yielding the greatest benefit for your kiddo. Parents need not be over-involved in reading homework, but they can employ a few strategies to help their children get the most out of their book!

Fall Literacy Activities - Red Apple Reading

Fall Literacy Activities

I don’t know about you, but autumn is one of my favorite seasons. I live in the South and fall is always a welcome change from the summer heat and humidity! Autumn officially arrived on the 22nd of September this year, and we have 3 whole months to enjoy the perks of this season! Autumn probably conjures up thoughts of pumpkins, turning leaves, and crisp weather in your mind. We want to encourage you to also turn your musings to literacy this fall. After all, literacy and autumn are two great things that go great together! Check out these fun fall literacy activities courtesy of Red Apple Reading!

Fun Family Labor Day Activities

It’s hard to believe Labor Day weekend is already here! The lazy days of summer are coming to an end and it’s time to get back into the swing of a new school year. Before we say goodbye to summer though, let’s have one more memorable family weekend. Check out these fun Labor Day activities the whole family is sure to enjoy!