Outdoor Spring Break Fun!!

It’s that time of year again. The time when the sunshine lasts longer, the temperature rises (hopefully!) and the kids want to get outside and play. It’s also time for spring break for many schools across the country. You don’t have to go away on an expensive vacation to have a memorable spring vacation this year. In fact, you can enjoy a fun spring break with your little ones without even leaving your own backyard! Red Apple Reading has 7 simple suggestions for some spring break outdoor fun!

Spend More Time Together in 2015

Don’t you just love new beginnings? There is something special about a fresh start! The New Year lies before us like a blank slate. All the mistakes and bad decisions of 2014 are behind us. What hopes and dreams do you have for your family this year? Sometimes the best resolutions are the simple ones. In the everyday business of life, sometimes we lose the little moments that make family meaningful. This year why not resolve to spend more time together? Red Apple Reading has a few suggestions on how you can get your crew together more often this year.

Creating Meaningful Family Gatherings

My husband and I have a little inside joke when the holidays come around. We say to each other, “Remember, the holidays aren’t about being happy – they’re about being with family.” 😉 Actually, both sides of our extended family are pretty great! The holidays can be stressful though! What would happen if this holiday season we focused on the strengths that our family members bring to the table? November and December provide the perfect opportunity to learn about the traditions and values of other family members when we gather for the holidays. Red Apple Reading has some suggestions for making the holidays especially meaningful for all the generations in your family this year.

Summer's Last Hurrah! Red Apple Reading

Summer’s Last Hurrah!

For many of us, Labor Day marks the end of summer and the beginning of a new school year. Why not make the most of the Labor Day weekend and spend the last few days before school begins having some fun together as a family? We have some ideas to make the “last hurrah” of summer a memorable one for you and your kiddos!

10 Fun Memorial Day Weekend Activities

Memorial Day weekend is celebrated on the last Monday in May each year. This day was set aside by the U.S. government in order to commemorate those who have died in war. Red Apple Reading suggests that you incorporate some Memorial Day themed events into your schedule and discuss the holiday’s significance with your children. Here are some Memorial Day activities you and your family can enjoy together.

Spring Break Educational Fun - Red Apple Reading

Spring Break (Educational!) Fun

Most schools across the country are either on spring break or about to be. If your family doesn’t have plans already, don’t fret; there’s still plenty of time to come up with a fun-filled week for your family. Red Apple Reading has five spring break ideas that will not only bring a smile to your kiddos’ faces, but will engage their minds as well.

What’s Your Child’s Dream?

Fifty years ago on August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his powerful, “I have a dream”, speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. M.L.K. Jr. was passionate about ending racism in America. There is so much we can learn from this great civil rights leader – one being to pursue our dreams. As adults, we often think about our goals and dreams; but do we ever stop to consider what our own kids are passionate about? Red Apple Reading would like to suggest 3 ways you can nurture your child’s passions and dreams.